Vaughn and Clay All Day

Episode 26 | New Year's Resolutions

Vaughn, Clay, Max, and Justin

Hi everyone! This is the first episode that we have a video version of if you would like to watch it. Please check it out and let us know what you think, it can be found here (  Still feel free to listen to the audio version of this episode wherever you listen to podcasts :)

New year's is a time where we make goals or try to grow as a person, but even when we fall short God is with us. Listen in to our first ever quad and video episode as we hear again from Max and Justin. We discuss our experiences with new year’s resolutions in the past and what place they should have in our lives. The four of us talk about how we can seek to balance our goals with God’s plan! We pray this offers some insight and encouragement as we head into 2021!

Want to share your story? Have any topics you want us to discuss? You can contact us at or message us on Instagram @vaughnclayallday. Thank you so much for your continued support!

Acts 1:8